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15 Dec

Everyone knows that computers are not free and even expensive. To avoid large expenses on its repairing, it is necessary to get maximum lifespan from your computer. Here are a few tips that can help you to save your computer failing prematurely.


  • Don’t Turn Off and On Computer Frequently: Few of us feel the need of power down many a times in a day. You do not have to go weeks without turning it off, but frequent heating and cooling of components shorten their life. It is advised to don’t restart it frequently and even do not leave it for more than a day. You should turn on your computer daily to load the updates and fix errors correctly.
  • Blow out The fan Vents frequently: Vents passes a lot of air for cooling the CPU, and because of it dust tends to build over time. It is necessary to clean your central processing unit’s internal area to keep the components cool. If you are not friendly with computer devices, then taking help of a nearby computer repairing specialist is a good option.
  • Use hard surface to place the computer, a table is suitable for it. Do not place the computer on the pillow, it would be a poor choice. A compact table, out of the sun area is perfect for it.
  • Use Surge Protector: Times when you are unable to unplug the CPU because of storm and power outage, surge protector can help. A surge protector can save your CPU from electrical problems.
  • Regular Tune Up: Getting regular service from a computer specialist can increase the longevity of the computer. They update the software tool and easily repair the potential problems.  You may take your car for its regular service to maintain its performance, then you should not avoid the service of this most important digital tool.
  • Avoid Eating and Drinking Near to Your Computer: If something happens and water down into your system, it can create potential problems to your computer. If this happens, blow out your keyboard as soon as possible.
  • Cool Environment: There is a lot of heat builds up during the processing of CPU that’s why it is advised to place the computer in the cool environment. If it’s a 95 degree summer day, then it is not advised to use your laptop outside of your home.
  • Best Anti-Malware Program: Malware can cause a lot problems in the computer so it is advised to keep the quality malware program updated. There are many free malware programs available on the internet, if you cannot afford the premium one.
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Author: laptopslove

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