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7 Nov

Having a slow internet connection can bring a lot of problems particularly when it hampers your daily work. Not only does it cause a lot of delay in completion of projects that are to be delivered urgently to the clients but you can miss so many tasks that you perform on your computer and none of them is possible if the internet connection is slow. When such a problem continues form a long time, you have to talk to your internet service provider. You can call them and ask them to come over at your place before losing more work and time.

slow internet connectionReasons for slow connection

No matter how much you have tried to clean your hard disk drive, you may not be able to expedite the internet connection suddenly. In a majority of cases, Slow Internet Connection in NZ can be resolved with some simple tweaks. If you have some problem with your modem, you can try to get one from your friend or neighbor and check whether it works fine. Checking the internet cables can help you understand whether there is a genuine problem in the machine for which you need repair work urgently.

Things to do

It is good to call over a Computer Technician Auckland to find out whether there is a problem in the machine for which you need a reliable service provider. You have to state your problem to the service provider at first and find out whether the individual has the ability to carry out the necessary work which can clear the problem and resolve the problem of slow internet connection. Whatever it is, you have to make an informed decision. It is important to find out the exact reason for the problems that are responsible for slow internet connection.

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4 Oct

Technology has touched different spheres life today and one of the most renowned advancements is wireless printing. With the help of Wi-Fi enabled devices, it is possible to get prints without much effort. In fact, you have even better choices with the help of printers that run with the help of Bluetooth devices. Manufacturers of […]

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3 Sep

Facebook is reminding users to do a quick check up of their security settings “We want everyone to have a safe experience on Facebook. That’s why we have dedicated teams and intelligent security systems working around the clock to help keep your account secure,” explains Melissa Luu-Van, product manager, in a company blog post. Luu-Van […]

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26 Aug

Over the last few weeks, we started receiving calls about the problems that people found after their Windows 10 upgrade. While there are many benefit upgrading to windows 10, there are few gotchas that you need to be aware. These are some of them: 1) Windows 10 failed to update Your windows update failed to […]

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26 Aug

The Windows 10 release means big changes for the OS. Here’s what you need to know. In a historic move, Microsoft will release the latest iteration of their Windows OS, Windows 10, as a free upgrade for existing users. This removes at least one barrier to adoption among businesses, and it could be particularly advantageous […]

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18 Mar

10 Ways to Speed Up Windows Computer Who doesn’t use Windows 7 now? If you ask this question, you will find a very few amount of people who actually don’t. Some of this little number of people uses Windows 8, some use Mac, and some use some other operating systems. Windows XP is still very […]

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Is your website infected ?

by computertips

2 Feb

CryptoPHP a week later: more than 23,000 sites affected Over 23,000 Web servers were infected with a backdoor called CryptoPHP that’s bundled with pirated themes and plug-ins for popular content management systems. CryptoPHP is a malicious script that provides remote attackers with the ability to execute rogue code on Web servers and to inject malicious […]

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15 Dec

Author: laptopslove Everyone knows that computers are not free and even expensive. To avoid large expenses on its repairing, it is necessary to get maximum lifespan from your computer. Here are a few tips that can help you to save your computer failing prematurely.

Don’t Turn Off and On Computer

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Hard Drive Repair

by computertips

5 Dec

Author: losangeleslaptoprepair For most laptop users, the insides of their machines are a mystery. They might know the general aspects of those elements: motherboard, hard drive, video card, and so on. But the specifics of what those elements actually do are not something the user thinks about, until something goes wrong. What Does the Hard […]

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Definitions of Malwares

by computertips

5 Dec

Author: mydigitaldojo Definitions of Malwares In our daily work, (hardware upgrades, virus removal, reinstallations, all things technology) we come across lots of malware/virus removal jobs and are asked by our client base what specifically did the damage and how could they avoid it. In order to simplify things we decided to give a list of […]

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