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Technology has so many aspects, which are constantly changing.  Our free reports and 'Global News' articles aim to demystify the jargon and provide helpful advice and information, on a range of topics that are relevant to both home users and small businesses.  

Free Reports:

The top 10 technology mistakes that small businesses make - Learn how you can avoid them!

The importance of battery backups - Read how the appropriate battery backup can empower your business continuity.

How to choose a printer - Demystifying the jargon of printer specifications to help you find one to meet your needs.

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The password is ...:  Tips for creating and remembering secure passwords

Happy E-Greetings!  Electronic greeting cards
Life without your computer: The consequences of computer outages
Stay ConnectedTroubleshooting internet outages
Electricity – friend or foe?: Power problems and protection
Be found on the internet:  Search Engine Optimization
The secret world of spam email: Tips to protect yourself from spam
Give your computer some space: Disk space tips
Technology Moved: Hints for moving your technology to a new location
What’s in a name?: Your Internet domain name
Time for a server?: The business benefits of a server computer
Is your laptop painful?: Preventing injury from laptop overuse



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